Bert Gunn
Bert has been on the “Red Road” over 30 years, a spiritual seeker all of his life, and has worked with the Mexica-Tolteca Elder Tlakaelel for over 20 years as his assistant, translator, organizer, student, and friend. What he shares is partly what he has learned from Tlakaelel and other Native Elders, and his own interpretation of this wisdom as well as his over six decades of studying and watching this life we live in. He has a very down-to-earth practical way of expressing spirituality and discussing these concepts.
1 Day (8 Hours)
Price; 6,000 Baht
This workshop will be an introduction to the “Red Road” - the path of native American Spirituality
Our time together will consist of:
a; Talks on the tradition and an introduction to some of the Mexica Symbols and Concepts
b; Practical application of some of the red road concepts to daily life
c; Discussion of Indigenous views of life and death
d; We will give an Introduction to some of our ceremonies, such as purification ceremonies, “smudging”, “sweat lodge” and others
e; Experiential activities. Some techniques you can apply yourselves Some of the symbols we will look at and discuss;
Quetzalkoatl Intelligence
Tezkatlipoca Memory
Huitzlipochtli Will
Ipalnemohuani One by whose grace we live. That for which we live
Nahui Ollin symbol of time and movement
Moyocoyani That which creates and re-creates itself
.We will look at some of these ancient symbols, concepts, and ceremonies and discuss how we can derive meaning and make use of them in daily life. Much has been said and taught about Toltec Wisdom, but how do we actually make sense of these concepts and how do we actually apply this wisdom to our modern lives?
Bert has been on the “Red Road” over 30 years, a spiritual seeker all of his life, and has worked with the Mexica-Tolteca Elder Tlakaelel for over 20 years as his assistant, translator, organizer, student, and friend. What he shares is partly what he has learned from Tlakaelel and other Native Elders, and his own interpretation of this wisdom as well as his over six decades of studying and watching this life we live in. He has a very down-to-earth practical way of expressing spirituality and discussing these concepts.
1 Day (8 Hours)
Price; 6,000 Baht
This workshop will be an introduction to the “Red Road” - the path of native American Spirituality
Our time together will consist of:
a; Talks on the tradition and an introduction to some of the Mexica Symbols and Concepts
b; Practical application of some of the red road concepts to daily life
c; Discussion of Indigenous views of life and death
d; We will give an Introduction to some of our ceremonies, such as purification ceremonies, “smudging”, “sweat lodge” and others
e; Experiential activities. Some techniques you can apply yourselves Some of the symbols we will look at and discuss;
Quetzalkoatl Intelligence
Tezkatlipoca Memory
Huitzlipochtli Will
Ipalnemohuani One by whose grace we live. That for which we live
Nahui Ollin symbol of time and movement
Moyocoyani That which creates and re-creates itself
.We will look at some of these ancient symbols, concepts, and ceremonies and discuss how we can derive meaning and make use of them in daily life. Much has been said and taught about Toltec Wisdom, but how do we actually make sense of these concepts and how do we actually apply this wisdom to our modern lives?